Christian Devotional – July 24, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 1

We have spent the last several weeks and months looking at difficulties and challenges and in suffering in the Christian life. Now we are going to move to the idea of salvation. Read Exodus chapter 1.
While it wasn’t originally intended to be so, the Israelites moving to Egypt resulted in profound suffering for them. There came a point where all the good and amazing deeds that the Israelites had done for the Egyptians were forgotten. Scripture never says that the Israelites started being a problem for the Egyptians, the Egyptian’s just perceived the potential of an issue. The Israelites never did anything wrong. However, the Egyptians enslaved them and forced them into labor.
The suffering we are experiencing may be something that we had a hand in due to consequences of our sin, or it may be something that we did not. However, When it comes to our suffering, God knows about it. God is not surprised by it. And, God can work through it. During the midst of this suffering, the Israelite people flourished and multiplied.
It is amazing during times of trial and suffering of the Christian church, just how much the church has flourished and grown. Are we allowing God to work and move during our suffering? Do we see his greater purpose and glorify him no matter what our situation?