Christian Devotional – July 25, 2023
The Coming Savior, Day 2

God hears. Read Exodus chapter 2.
Today we see the story of the birth of Moses. This is a remarkable story of God intervening in a situation in such a way that his chosen one is saved. As we come to the end of the chapter, we see that the situation for the Israelites has continued to deteriorate. They continue to go through difficult times and hardships. Still, God hears them.
Even when we are in the midst of challenges, difficulties and struggles, God hears us. We are never alone. We may feel alone and while it may be difficult, God is with us and God continues to hear us. We can always cry out to God. We may not see how God is working things out, but that does not mean he isn’t actively involved in everything going on. God is not surprised and God is always in control. Are we trusting in the one who it’s in control of everything?