Christian Devotional – July 26, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 14

The good that you do. So often it can feel like the good things that we do get lost. They disappear and escape the notice of others. Read 1 Timothy 5:9-25.
God sees. No one else in this entire world may see the good things that we do, but God sees them. They are not lost forever. We did not act in vain. God sees; God knows.
The motivation behind why we are doing good things becomes important. If we are only doing good things in order to get noticed or to receive our reward here on earth, then that is the extent of our reward. However, if our goal is to bring glory to God, then whether we are noticed for what we do or not becomes irrelevant.
Our good deeds are never hidden. But, they may only be seen by God.. And that is enough.