Christian Devotional – July 28, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 62

When was the last time we did the impossible? Read Luke 18.
As Jesus continues to minister to the people, we see him do amazing and profound things. He also continues to teach them and one of the most often questions that Jesus is asked has to do with how to go to heaven. Jesus answers this question and the man who asked does not like the answer. The Bible says that he walked away sad. As Jesus is telling the disciples how people can be saved, he makes the statement that “what is impossible with man is possible with God.”
We have to recognize it is simply not possible for us to work out our own salvation. We cannot earn it, we cannot buy it, and we simply do not deserve it. However, what is absolutely insurmountable for us is absolutely possible with God. Through God, our potential for salvation and admittance to the kingdom of God is not only possible, but has already been achieved through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Do we recognize our own limitations? Are we seeking Christ and allowing him to work the impossible in our life? Only through Christ can we be saved.