
Christian Devotional – June 21, 2016

Read Micah chapter 5


Micah 5:13–I will destroy your idols and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands.


The fact that the Bible says “no longer bow down” implies that the people were actually bowing down to these man-made idols. They had created something and then were worshipping it like it was a creator instead. While we may not have set up a carved image that we bow down to, we often will bow down to the things that we have done or accomplished with our own hands. We see so many people who are bowing down to money, fame, popularity, success, family, relationships, etc. All of these things are good, but they are not worthy of our worship. Only God, the One true God who created the universe, us, and everything we see, is worthy of our worship and there will come a time when He will destroy everything else that we’ve put in a higher position than Him. When He does that, what will we have left?


Father, I love You and I desire to worship You alone. Forgive me when I get distracted by the things of this world and place them ahead of You. I love You and You alone and I desire to display that love to the World.