Christian Devotional – June 24, 2021
The Gospels through the Summer, Day 28

All authority. Read Matthew 28.
As we conclude the book of Matthew, we read about the miraculous resurrection Jesus Christ from the dead. Jesus Christ was dead and buried, yet God raised him up victorious over sin and death. Jesus met with his disciples to share with them and demonstrate his victory and as part of his final words to them, begins by making the statement that all authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to him. What a profound statement!
There is nothing in this world that is not under the authority of Jesus Christ. Nothing that happens to us, no one around us… nothing is outside of Christ’s authority over it. This is an amazingly comforting thought to realize that the one that we call Lord truly is Lord in every sense of the word.
Do we recognize and accept his authority? Do we make decisions and live our life and based upon his authority? Do we trust and have faith and him based on his authority? We can place our lives in him, follow him, and put all our trust in him because Christ is truly over all.