Christian Devotional – June 8, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 34

Why did Moses die? Read Deuteronomy chapter 34.
As we come to the end of Deuteronomy, we find the death of Moses. However, what was the cause of death? According to scripture, there was nothing physically wrong with Moses. He was in good health through the 120 years of his life. So why did he die? The answer is that he had fulfilled his purpose and God took him home.
So often, we look to understand why people die. Some people die very early in life and others die much later. Some people die as a result of health issues and others die as a result of others, accident or not.
The important thing to remember about death is that God is victorious over death. He knows what the number of our days on the Earth will be. He understands when our time here is over. And he’s the one that makes the decision to allow things. Moses may have still been in good health, but it was time. As we understand this book of revival, we realize that God’s timing could come at any point and we need to be ready. Are we ready when that time comes and if not, we need to fall on our face before a holy God and ask his forgiveness.