
Christian Devotional – June 9, 2013


Acts 8:21-22 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that He may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart.


Our motivation matters to God. Simon had done many wonderful and amazing things before the people, but when the apostles came, Simon tried to buy their power from them. That selfish and self-serving motivation is sinful and Peter confronted him with the words above. The best part of these verses is that even in the midst of the sin and wrong, there is still hope that through repentance and confession of wrongs Jesus will hear and forgive even the most wicked of motives. The Lord knows our hearts. Would He be pleased or turned away by what motivations are inside?


Father, You know my heart. I lay it before You. Examine everything. Reveal to me any motivations that are not of You. Cleanse me and forgive me for having such thoughts and purify my heart to be like You.


Don’t forget to check out today’s Sunday Devotional on the Sisters in Cahoots page. We’re continuing through the miracles of Jesus that are listed in the book of John. You won’t want to miss it!