
Christian Devotional – March 12, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 10


Joshua 10:25–Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight.”


Joshua was told this phrase countless times in the first several chapters of this book. Here it is again and this time it is Joshua saying it to the people. This is an example of how we are to lead. God brings us through something and teaches us a lesson. We get take that lesson and we learn it and practice it and then we are able to take it and teach others. Everything that God gives us to learn, He expects that one day we will turn around and teach. Are we learning the lessons that He has for us on a daily basis? Are we teaching those same lessons to others?


Father, I know that several of the lessons You teach are difficult. I pray that You will be patient with me as I learn them and then give me patience with others as I teach them. Thank You for taking the time and focus to meet me where I am and teach me. Help me to meet others where they are and teach them as well.