
Christian Devotional – March 24, 2023

Principles of Leadership, Day 27

Be willing to lead, honest in service, and a humble example. Read 1 Peter 5:2-4.

We see here in Peter, this list of criteria for someone who is to lead. When we think about what it takes to be a successful leader, a godly leader, this list encapsulates all of the major discussions on the topic. We must be willing to lead. If we are not open or willing to lead, we will be upset and angry in the role that we’ve been placed in. We also must be honest in service. We cannot allow our leadership become a thirst for power that ends up seeking self gain. And finally we must be a humble example. What we do is to be an example to others. Only through our humility will they see God through us.

When we take a look at our leadership, do these three characteristics define what we do every day? How can we emphasize each of these more today?