
Christian Devotional – May 18, 2016

Read Amos chapter 2


Amos 2:14–The swift will not escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life.


Amos is now sharing of the judgment that is coming for the people of Israel. With that, he wants to make sure they understand that they won’t be able to work their way out of it. All the strengths that they think they have, their speed, strengths, and skill at war, will not be able to help them in that day and time when God calls them and holds them accountable for their actions. Are we counting on ourselves or our own strength? God calls us to be obedient to Him out of the love that we have for Him. Anything less is trusting in ourselves.


Father, I know that You are over everything and I pray that You will forgive me for the times when I try to use my own skills to get a head or try to succeed. I know that You are the only One who is able to stand. Please cleanse me and make me whole again so that I can love and honor You and not rely on my own feeble, faltering skills.