
Christian Devotional – May 28, 2022

Days of the Judges, Day 13

Get busy and do the work. We move to the story of Samson. Read Judges 13.

This initial story of the announcement of the birth if Samson is always interesting to me. His Mom seems to accept the news of the coming of Samson without issue. She seems very practical about the whole situation. Samson’s father, on the other hand, is much more concerned and worried and seems to have a lot more questions about the whole situation.

Even with the two very different personalities of his mother and father, God used them both. I love this because it reminds me that no matter what my temperament, God can use me. God provided what his father needed to feel comfortable with the plan, while still providing his mother with the information she needed.

God created us and he made us all unique. And he knows us, better than we know ourselves. When God asks us to do something, he provides us exactly what we need to be able to obey. Are we following through on God’s direction and being obedient, knowing that He will be with us on the journey with exactly what we need.