Christian Devotional – November 1, 2024
The Vision, Day 7

Standards. Read Ezekiel chapter 7.
God uses this chapter to explain the totality of the judgment that is coming. We see that unlike many other judgments where he says he will keep a remnant or he will save a group, he doesn’t mention anything like that here. Everyone is going to be subjected to the judgment that is coming.
He also indicates that the standard by which people have been judging themselves, that is the standard that he will use to judge them. I find that interesting because it means that we can’t even keep our own standards of right and wrong. We aren’t even good enough to measure up too what we say we should be doing. God’s holy standard is so much more than even that, we can’t possibly hope to measure up.
Are we coming to him in repentance and allowing him to live through us? That was the message Ezekiel is trying to get through to the people.
Check out the video here: