
Christian Devotional – November 13, 2024

The Vision, Day 19

Expectations. Read Ezekiel chapter 19.

We just read in the last chapter how each person is responsible for their own choices and the consequences of those choices. Today, we see God telling Ezekiel to write a sad song. This sad song is to be a reminder of the failure of the kings of Israel. These kings were raised by their mother to be strong and good, but instead they made the decision to do bad things. As a result they were captured and carried away. Their mother had great expectations for all they would accomplish, but unfortunately their own choices limited them.

It can be hard to have expectations for others and to see them not live up to and fulfill those expectations. Ultimately each person must make their own choice. Are we willing to train people and disciple people, but allow them to make their own choices and decisions?

Video devotional here: