Christian Devotional – November 16, 2021
30 Days of Thanks, Day 16

What foundation are we laying? Reading through day 16 of the 30 days of thanks reading plan in we see the importance of laying a foundation in the Lord in Ezra 3:11.
When you think back over this year, 2021, what has been the focus for you this year? Where have you sought to allow God to work in your life? What foundation have you laid in Christ? As we look forward to 2022, how is God working and moving and how is he going to continue doing that into next year?
Our actions from this year have laid the foundation for what our next year will be. What has that foundation been? Is that foundation in the Lord? As we look forward into what the next year is going to bring, our foundation must be in the Lord. We must continue to seek him in every area of our life so that anything we build will have eternal impact.