
Christian Devotional – November 17, 2016

Read Job chapter 10


Job 10:8–Your hands shaped me and made me, will you now turn and destroy me?


Job is speaking here and he’s still having a lot of difficulty understanding why God allowed all these things to happen to him. He doesn’t understand and as a result he’s angry and hurt. He still recognizes the power and the position of God. Even here, he indicates that he knows that God made him and shaped him and caused him to be. Yet, he feels like God is moving to destroy him based on everything that has happened to him. The way we feel about a situation plans a very strong role in determining how we see things and what meaning we give to those things. As Job will learn, this time was not meant to destroy him, but to bring glory to God and to allow Job to come to an even deeper relationship with God. Will we based on understanding on what we feel or on the truth from God’s Word.


Father, I praise You and I thank You for all that You are doing in me, even the things that I don’t understand. I don’t always feel like You’re growing me, but I can trust that You have Your glory in mind and that You will continue to use me to bring about Your glory.