Christian Devotional – November 22, 2021
30 Days of Thanks, Day 22

Do others know we are thankful? Today as we look at the 30 days of thanks reading plan on, we are drawn to day 22 and the verse 1 Corinthians 14:17.
As we read this verse, my first thought was a bit confusing, but as I read the verses around it, I quickly realized that the concern was about people being thankful, but no one understanding what they were saying.
if no one hears us being thankful, or worse, if people hear us being ungrateful, then God doesn’t get the glory that he is due. Our praise and our thanks to Him should be done in such a way as to make sure God sees and knows first of all, but also being willing to praise Him and thank Him in such a way that everyone understands all that God has done for us. Are we truly thankful in all things today and do others know we are thankful?