
Christian Devotional – November 25, 2015

Read James chapter 4


James 4:13–Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”


Are you a planner? I know I am. I love to work out the details of how ideas get done. However, God knows that I can get a little carried away sometimes and this verse starts a section of verses made directly for the planner. Many of us will often create elaborate plans detailing every little aspect of our life and we forget that we are ultimately not the one in control of our lives. God is. He has a plan for our lives and when we get too focused on ourselves and not on Him, He has ways of getting our attention, like causing our plans to fall apart. As we take the next few days to evaluate our plans and our planning, we must determine who is the master planner for our life. Is it God, or us?


Father, I know that I am guilty of trying to plan out so many things, but ultimately You are the one with the master plans for me. Keep me focused on You and help me to remember how to trust in You and Your plans so that I don’t get focused and carried away with my own plans.