
Christian Devotional – November 27, 2014

Read Matthew chapter 23


Matthew 23:12– For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.


Which are you? Do we seek to exalt ourselves or humble ourselves? Jesus shows us that our pride and desire to be made much of by others will ultimately result in us being humbled. Are we truly thankful and grateful for others in our life and for what we have been blessed with? If we are seeking to be humble ourselves, then God will allow is to be exalted at the proper time. Otherwise, we will find ourselves humbled in front of all.


Father, You are the one to be exalted and I am just Your servant. I pray that I will keep focused on You and on lifting You up and exalting You. I do not need to be made much of and I repent of my attitude that desires recognition and pats on the back for doing what I am supposed to do.