Christian Devotional – November 5, 2021
30 Days of Thanks, Day 5

Do we worship the Lord because we are thankful or do we worship the Lord because we are compliant? Today as we read through day 5 of the 30 days of thanks reading plan in we are taken to Psalm 100:4.
This is a beautiful psalm all about the praise of the Lord. Are we praising God and giving thanks to him when we are coming to worship him? Even in the midst of difficulty and trial, we are to worship the Lord and to bring our praise before him. We have so many things to be thankful for and demonstrating and sharing our thanks with God is another way to praise him for all that he has done for us.
When we come before him, are we thankful? Will we pray to him, do we tell him thanks? How do we demonstrate to the Lord our thanks for all the amazing things that he has provided for us? As for me, I know that I need to be more thankful in my everyday life. My commitment is to find something today that I have not expressed my thanks for and share that thanks with the Lord and with anyone else who needs to know.