Christian Devotional – November 6, 2024
The Vision, Day 12

Equipped, but ignorant. Read Ezekiel chapter 12.
Reading through this chapter, we see Ezekiel given another mission to demonstrate what is coming for the people. God starts by making the statement that the people have eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear. God has used this phrase multiple times throughout the Old Testament to explain how and why people are not being obedient to him.
When you look at this phrase, it’s a reminder that these people have all of the tools necessary to be obedient. They are simply choosing not to. They are equipped in every way to make the right choices, but they are purposefully choosing to remain in ignorance and not do what they have been told is right.
This describes us on so many levels. God provides amazing resources for us to understand him, to know him, and to live in his will. Yet so often, we choose to be ignorant of his commands and requests. Are we going to actually do what God has enabled us to do? Will we follow through using the resources that he has given us to be obedient?
Check out the video devotional here: