Christian Devotional – October 13, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 9

What do you boast and brag about? Read Jeremiah chapter 9.
The people have sinned against the Lord. Jeremiah continues to remind them of their need to repent and turn back to him. As he shares this with them, we see that the people have been bragging and boasting about what they consider to be their greatest accomplishments. They boast of their incredible wisdom and they brag about their strength and power. God reminds them that they have nothing to boast about because the only thing worth boasting about is him.
God is the one with ultimate wisdom, and God is the one with ultimate power. Anything we have is less. Our only true accomplishment is God in us and through us. If we are going to boast, that is all we will ever be able to boast about. God in us.