Christian Devotional – October 14, 2023
Living for God’s Glory, Day 13

One of the saddest verses. Read Hosea chapter 13.
Reading through this chapter today, this verse jumped out of the page at me. What a incredibly sad verse! God provides for his people. When his people receive his provision, they are happy and blessed and satisfied. As they become satisfied, they turned away from God thinking that they don’t need him.
This describes the state of many countries and people today. God has done amazing things in their past and shown himself to be the truly awesome God that he is, and as a result the people are blessed and happy. However, they have started to assume that they were the ones who provided for themselves instead of God. As a result, they think they don’t need God anymore.
We are completely mistaken if we think that we can contribute in any way shape or form to God’s glory. God is amazing and awesome and holy and he’s all of those things without us. Any of that we have in our lives is a result of God’s grace and mercy toward us. We do not do any of that on our own. We must keep our perspective correct. We will remember that God is the one who provides for us, not for ourselves. Are we giving God his glory and continuing to seek him to provide for us?