
Christian Devotional – October 15, 2024

New Beginnings, Day 40

Credit. Read Genesis chapter 40.

I’ve always found this chapter interesting. People need help and even though Joseph us in prison, he helps. Joseph is in this position of leadership because he has favor with the leader of the prison, like we discussed yesterday. But he doesn’t flaunt that and he doesn’t act like he’s in charge. In fact, when given the opportunity, he goes out of his way to explain that the credit for what he’s going to do actually belongs to God.

I have found over the years that favor and credit go together. As I have worked and found favor with my employers and with God, the question I get asked often is “how are you able to get so much done?” If I’m not careful I will take the credit for those things myself. Joseph understood that the credit always belongs to God.

The world is wanting to know who is making opportunities happen. God is the one who is deserving of all praise and credit. Joseph didn’t take the credit for what was going to happen. Joseph gave the credit completely and wholly to God. As we are working through our lives, do we take the credit for what God does or do we give him the credit for all that he does?

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