Christian Devotional – October 17, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 13

How the Weeping Prophet gets his name. Read Jeremiah chapter 13.
God continues to share with Jeremiah ways in which he can tell the people of the coming destruction. Jeremiah tries to demonstrate to the people with examples and visual aids. God is not playing around. God intends to destroy the people that have not been obedient to him. Still, Jeremiah can’t help but feel sorry and desperately wish that the people would do something different. He explains how after their destruction, he would weep and wail and moan because of all that the people have lost.
What do we think about those people that we know in our lives that have not accepted Christ as their Savior? Do we weep for them? Are we emotionally overcome because of the need that these people have in their lives? Jeremiah was so focused on seeing these people come to know Christ and follow him that he was overcome with the very thought that the people might not repent.
Who do we need to become so focused on that we are emotional and weeping at the thought of that person not accepting in Christ?