
Christian Devotional – October 2, 2014

Read 2 Samuel chapter 9


2 Samuel 9:1–David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”


David was great friends with Saul’s son Jonathan and he wanted to do something kind to honor his friend. However, the opportunity didn’t just land in his lap; David had to seek out a way to show kindness. We can have great intentions, but unless we actually go to the effort to act on them, no one will know or see or experience the blessing of our kindness. If God puts a kind deed on our heart, we must act on it, even if it takes some effort on our part.


Father, You have been so good to me and have blessed me so much. You give me thoughts and ideas on how to bless others. I will praise You and show that by doing the things You lay on my heart to do. I will not use the excuse of just having good intentions, but will instead turn my good intentions into good actions.