
Christian Devotional – October 25, 2015

Read James chapter 2


James 221-22–Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together and his faith was made complete by what he did.


James is now giving his example of how faith and action go together. Everyone would have known the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac on the altar and how God intervened and provided for him. We can see how God works and moves. We have faith in God and as we act out that faith, we realize that God is going to be all that we need. As we look at our life today, are our faith and our actions working together?


Father, I want my life to be an example of how faith and action go together. Help me to see examples today of how we can move and work together to be able to display my faith in God to others.