Christian Devotional – October 25, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 21

What do we deserve? Read Jeremiah chapter 21.
In these verses, we see the people of Israel make a decision to come and ask God to save them. The king and the leaders recognize that they have nothing to stand on to be able to ask God for such a thing, but they ask him anyway. However, their sin has been so great that God tells them he’s going to give them what they deserve.
So often we think about the idea of what we deserve. We have this notion that we deserve to have good things happen to us, like positive experiences and results should be given to us because we deserve them. However, our sin deserves death.
God makes it very clear that we have sinned against a holy God and the wages of our sin is death. We may think we deserve mercy, but we do not. God, through his grace and his mercy, allows us the opportunity to accept his lordship in our life and as a result, he chooses to extend that grace and mercy to us. But we do not deserve it. We never want what we deserve, ever. Are we asking for what we deserve today, or are we living in his lordship and begging for his mercy?