Christian Devotional – October 27, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 23

God knows. Read Jeremiah chapter 23.
Sometimes we have the idea that we do things in secret. There’s actually nothing that we do that is truly secret. We may look around and realize that there is no one in the vicinity or in the same room with us, but God is always with us. God sees everything that we do and he knows every thought that we have. There is nothing that we do or even think that is secret. God knows our motivations and he knows our heart.
These people were disobedient and doing things that they should not have been doing. They were sinning. Yet, their prophets, the people who were supposed to keep them focused on God, were not pointing out the wrong. Instead, they were busy telling the people that everything was fine. That God was OK with their sin. Those are direct lies, both for those people in that time and also for us. If our actions are not lining up with God’s commands and God’s holiness, they are absolutely wrong. People that tell us otherwise are lying and will be judged by God.
We cannot hide from God, nor should we want to. God sees everything that we do. How do we need to respond to him today?