Christian Devotional – October 31, 2021
Days of Wisdom, Day 31

What about us should be praised? Read Proverbs 31.
As we read through this chapter, we see a list of what has come to be known as the Proverbs 31 woman. This this listing of qualities and characteristics that describe a woman have inspired many for centuries. So many ways are listed in which we can be focused on the Lord and how we can share Christ with others.
This next to last verse, deals with the idea of what do we want to be praised for? When we think about our lives and all that we do, are we wanting to be remembered for our charm or for our wit and the way in which we interact with people? Or are we wanting be remembered for our beauty and the physical attributes that we have? Or, are we wanting to be remembered as someone who fears and follows the Lord?
For me, it’s easy to be distracted by the other desires and wishes, but the only satisfaction that we will ever have is found in seeking the Lord and following him. What are you seeking after today and what do you want others to praise you for today?