
Christian Devotional – October 4, 2024

New Beginnings, Day 29

Recognize where our blessings come from. Read Genesis chapter 29.

A lot happens in this chapter, and we learn a lot about Jacob and who he is. We also realize that he meets his match in his uncle Laban, as far as deceitfulness is concerned. But today, this verse about Leah really struck me. Leah was in a difficult situation. She was unloved in marriage and God saw that. God took care of her, but Leah didn’t recognize that. The first three sons she had, she thought she could use that to be able to make Jacob love her, instead of recognizing where those blessings came from.

By the fourth son, she stopped trying to get Jacob to love her and instead focused on praising God. God was the one who was giving her the blessings she was experiencing. God was the one who was deserving of praise. When we are going through situations, do we recognize where our blessings come from? And do we give thanks and praise and honor to the one who is the author of those blessings?

Check out today’s video devotional

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