
Christian Devotional – September 12, 2024

New Beginnings, Day 7

The totality. Read Genesis chapter 7.

In reading through this chapter, it’s hard to not be struck by the complete and utter totality by which the Earth is destroyed. Everything that breathed air died, except for what was placed carefully in the Ark by the Lord.

When we think about new beginnings, we must understand that the old must die first. Sometimes that’s easy and we’re excited to get rid of the old and we don’t even have a second thought. Sometimes pieces of the old continue to try to live on and creep into the new beginning. God made it very clear for his new beginning that he had to completely start over.

Are we hanging on to anything in our new beginning? Are we trying to carry over some of the pieces of the old that didn’t please God? The only things that can carry over are the parts that are pleasing to God. We have to be okay with letting go of everything else.

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