Christian Devotional – September 17, 2021
Forgiveness, Day 2

How can we be encouraged? Read through Philemon in the Bible.
Looking at this tiny book, we see a letter written from one man to encourage a second man. Paul writes this letter and indicates that he has been encouraged because of what Philemon has done. Because Philemon is building up and raising up others to follow Christ, that encourages Paul.
So many of us need encouragement. The world is a difficult and challenging place and we can often feel beat down and discouraged everyday. What encourages us? What brings our heart joy? Often, the biggest area of joy can come from seeing other people following Christ. When we see others doing what God has them to do and learning and growing and living that out, that brings us joy. On the flip side, are we encouraging others by the way that we live out Christ? Do we bring joy to those that see our lives because of the way that we are following Christ? How can we be an encouragement to someone else today? As we do that, we will find ourselves being encouraged by those around us.