Christian Devotional – September 2, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 17

Righteous anger. Nehemiah has been busy building the wall. Now, another problem has surfaced. Read Nehemiah 5:1-6.
As the people have been coming to trust Nehemiah, now they are telling him about another issue that he was unaware of. The people have been unfair to each other. Those in power have been lording it over those who didn’t have power. Nehemiah is outraged with what he learns in this situation.
Anger is not a sin. In fact, God himself becomes angry about sin. We can recognize that God’s anger about sinful situations is also a reminder that these tyoes of situations should make us angry as well. We can be angry about the things that anger God. What situations around us do we see that are unjust? What things are unfair? What consequences are a result of sin? These are things that we can become angry about and seek to make right. Nehemiah did just that, and we should take the opportunity to look around us and do the same.