
Christian Devotional – September 2, 2024

Hope, Day 7

Hope lived out. Read Ezra chapter 10.

Here we learn a little bit more about the prophet Ezra. We see his relationship with the king of Persia, and we understand more about how the king determined to allow the Israelites to follow through on what God had committed them to do. Interestingly we also see that Ezra was the embodiment of the hope that he had.

Ezra studied what he need to do. He lived it out. He taught others to do the same. Our hope must be more than just something inside us. Our hope in Christ must be something that we are always wanting to learn more about and understand better. We must be practicing our hope daily, and we must be teaching others to live out that hope as well.

How will we know that we truly are hoping in the Lord? We will know because we’ll be the picture of hope studied, practiced, and taught to others.

Watch this devotional on YouTube, here