Christian Devotional – September 21, 2023
The Savior Comes, Day 20

What do we ask Jesus? Read Matthew chapter 20.
I would admit, when I was younger, I struggled with this passage because I didn’t really understand why the mother would do this. Now, I have kids and I understand wanting Jesus to do great and amazing things for and through my kids.
However, when we are bringing our requests to Jesus about our children, we must remember that the goal is to glorify God. Our requests are not about trying to glorify ourselves or our children. Our requests must be about glorifying God. Sometimes, our children have to go through struggles in order for God to receive the glory. As a parent, that can be really difficult to watch. We want things to be easy for our kids and for them to experience the rewards and the joys of life. However, often we have to step back and realize that what is best for them is God’s glory, not their own glory.
What requests do we make of God? Do our requests line up with God’s desire to glorify himself?