
Christian Devotional – September 27, 2016

Read Romans chapter 10


Romans 10:17–Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.


Our faith is not blind faith. We must know what we are to have faith in. We know that through hearing the message in the Word of Christ. Our faith is to have roots and to be well grounded in the Word of God. If we are not consistently feeding ourselves more and more of the Word of God, then our Faith with wither and will ultimately fail us when we need it, or our faith will be in the wrong thing and we will be deceived. Are we immersing ourselves in the Word of God?


Father, I pray that You will continue to keep me focused on Your Word and on all that You would have me to learn through it. I know that You are the One who is the author of my faith. I desire to grow in faith and in the knowledge of You in all that You are doing in and through me.