Christian Devotional – September 30, 2016
Read Romans chapter 13
Romans 13:14–Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
What are we putting on today? As we get up and get ready to head out into our day, are we making a conscious choice to include Jesus Christ with us as we go? You see, we will do one or the other of these two things listed above. Either we will be clothed in Jesus Christ and allowing Him to make the choices and influence our thoughts and behaviors, or we will be motivated by our fleshly lusts and desires. If we choose to go without Jesus, then we are automatically saying that we desire ourselves and that starts down a selfish and self-centered path for that day. Will we take the time to be sure and clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ so that we are focused on Him and His desires for us today?
Father, Thank You for Your help in refocusing my day. I will choose to clothe myself with You today so that I can see the world through Your eyes and stay focused on only what You would have me focus on. I pray that You will work and move through me today.