Christian Devotional – September 4, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 19

Make it right. As the people were confronted with their sin and challenged to make it right, now they have to make a decision, how will they respond. Read Nehemiah 5:12-13.
The people have been confronted by the reality of their sin. And they chose to accept that they were wrong and that they must change. Repentance is about seeing our sin the way God sees our sin and choosing to renounce it and never do it again. We want to see if we can make it right.
The people did the same thing here. They promised Nehemiah that they would do what they could do to make right the things that they had done wrong. Each and every one of us are sinners. We all have opportunities that we need to do better. Still, when we are confronted with our sin, do we make excuses about it or do we accept what God shares and repent? Are we seeking to make things right? What do we need to make right in our lives today? What sin have we been confronted with that we must address in the same way that the people here addressed their sins?