Christian Devotional – September 7, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 21

More distractions. Read Nehemiah 6:1-4.
The workers continued and the people are being successful. The wall is being rebuilt and there are lots of people excited about everything that God is doing. However, not everyone is excited. Those people who have been trying before to distract and disrupt the work of Nehemiah are back at it. It’s basically their last ditch effort to try to stop what God is doing. They start by trying to distract Nehemiah again. Nehemiah recognizes this for what it is, and he refuses to be distracted.
How focused are we on the work God has for us? Everything is going to come at us trying to distract us, and in some cases those distractions seem to be good things. However, they are not the best things. God is desiring that we are focused on what is best. We must continue to be focused on him and him alone. Are we focusing in on all that God has for us? And, are we avoiding the distractions?