
Devotional – February 11, 2012

Job 26:14–Behold, these are the fringes of His ways; and how faint a word we hear of Him! But His mighty thunder, who can understand!

God is truly amazing! In this chapter, Job shares some of the amazing doings of God and then states in this verse that these are but the fringe of God, the very edge of His limitless potential. God is so big and so powerful, yet He is deeply concerned about the smallest detail of our life. We cannot fathom the love and care that He has for us. Today be reminded that the God who crafted and holds together the very molecules that make up the universe, cares for and loves you.

Lord, some days I feel that I am so important, yet only You are so great and amazing that we can’t even begin to understand. I praise You for Your power and might, and I am in awe of Your compassion and focus on little me.

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