
Devotional – March 5, 2012

Malachi 3:8–“Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings.”

We often hear about giving 10% or some other such standard number to the church. While that is OK, the real issue is recognizing that everything we have belongs to God. While we will often say this, when it comes to the area of money, we don’t always act like it’s true. We hold on to our money thinking that we own it and can choose how to use it. Any time we don’t spend our money the way God would have us, we are robbing from Him. Are we being obedient to God with our money and possessions, or are we stealing from God?

Lord, everything I have is Yours. You are in control and are over all. Forgive me for hoarding Your money and help me be obedient to You in using Your money the way You desire.

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