Christian Devotional – November 27, 2024
The Vision, Day 33 Action. Read Ezekiel chapter 33. So much of what Ezekiel has prophesied has come true. The people are in exile and Ezekiel even hears word of the destruction of Jerusalem. God makes this statement to Ezekiel. People are still coming to Ezekiel to hear his prophecies. People still want to hear the word of the Lord. The problem is they do nothing with it. There’s no action taken based on what God is telling them. They hear God’s word and then continue doing all the wrong things that they have been doing. Can we really say we know something if we aren’t doing it? What we…
Christian Devotional – November 26, 2024
The Vision, Day 32 They will know. Read Ezekiel chapter 32. As God continues sharing his judgment on the nation of Egypt, we see the reason given for the judgment. First, the people have not been following God. That’s the reason they’re being given over to judgment in the first place. The second reason given is so that others will see what has happened and know that God is God. You see there’s never a singular purpose. A judgment of God is always about making sure people understand and glorify who he is. He is holy and just and righteous, and because of that, he punishes sin so that people…
Christian Devotional – November 25, 2024
The Vision, Day 31 Origin story. Read Ezekiel chapter 31. As we read this chapter, we see God describing Pharaoh of Egypt. God talks about the fact that he made Pharaoh and the entire country beautiful to start with. They were the envy of everything. We need to recognize that the origin story of all of God’s creation was perfect. Everything was perfection, including Mankind. Unfortunately sin came into the world and ruined that perfection. We can never forget that God created us in his image. He made us and made us beautiful. The sin in our lives is what gets in our way of demonstrating the beauty of God.…
Christian Devotional – November 24, 2024
The Vision, Day 30 Soon. Read Ezekiel chapter 30. So many times when we read scripture, we see that God is telling people things will happen soon. Blessings will come soon. Judgment will come soon. Salvation will come soon. Why does God tell us these things? So that we can be prepared for them. God doesn’t want us completely surprised by the things that he is doing. He wants us to be ready to act and be prepared in heart and spirit for the things that he is doing. We cannot expect to just jump into things without the proper amount of preparation, so God allows us to know what…
Christian Devotional – November 23, 2024
The Vision, Day 29 Arrogance, part 2. Read Ezekiel chapter 29. The king of Tyre isn’t the only one with an arrogance issue. The Pharaoh of Egypt also is extremely arrogant. God calls him out and indicates that he is taking credit for God’s creation. He’s claiming that he made the Nile, while God is the only one who is the Creator. God made the Nile and all that goes with it. We can be arrogant and think we don’t need God, like we saw yesterday. Or, we can be arrogant and take credit for what God has done. God will not atand for either. God explains through Ezekiel that…
Christian Devotional – November 22, 2024
The Vision, Day 28 God proves his holiness. Read Ezekiel chapter 28. God continues sharing his judgment and as he does he reminds the people that through the demonstration of his judgment, he is showing his holiness. People will acknowledge his holiness as a result of all that they are going through. Others that witness the judgment will acknowledge God’s holiness. This isn’t about celebrating people being judged. This is about celebrating a holy God. Do we see the signs of God’s holiness in our life? Do we acknowledge him as holy when we see good things happen to people and when we see struggles happened to people? No matter…
Christian Devotional – November 21, 2024
The Vision, Day 27 Arrogance. Read Ezekiel chapter 27. God is continuing to discuss the judgment of the people surrounding Israel. This entire chapter is about the people of Tyre. Interestingly, they are profoundly arrogant. Their perception of themselves is that they are completely perfect and don’t need anything. Yet, God knows that they are not being obedient. Are we willing to recognize and admit our failings? Do we see when we have fallen short? We must not be like the people of Tyre and be so arrogant that we don’t recognize the sin in our lives. Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/vAJhv95o584
Christian Devotional – November 20, 2024
The Vision, Day 26 Absolute judgment. Read Ezekiel chapter 26. Reading verses like these can be really hard. We think of God as a loving and gracious God, and he is. But he is also infinitely holy. He cannot allow sin to remain. Seeing God’s judgment spelled out so clearly can be difficult to read, but God will root out sin. God will punish sin. Make no mistake, God’s loving nature demands that his holiness be protected. Are we recognizing all of the nature of God, his love and his holiness? Check out the video devotional https://youtu.be/ZOYv6Ehi_M4
Christian Devotional – November 19, 2024
The Vision, Day 25 Judgment on the surrounding areas. Read Ezekiel chapter 25. God has shared over and over again that judgment is coming to the land of Israel and Judah, but in this chapter, he wants the surrounding countries to understand something more. Even though God’s people have been disobedient, that does not give others the right to laugh at them or make fun of them or do things against the people of Israel and people of Judah. Because these other countries have been doing that, they are going to be judged. God is going to bring judgment against the people for the way they’ve treated Israel. Even when…
Christian Devotional – November 18, 2024
The Vision, Day 24 The idol. Read Ezekiel chapter 24. The people had gotten to the point where they were worshipping the temple and sanctuary itself instead of the one who created them. The people had become so arrogant that God had to destroy his temple because they were speaking it more than they were worshipping him. What good things in our life have we made into idols? What items that gave been given to us by God, do we love more than the one who gave them to us? We are to worship only God. Video devotional here: https://youtu.be/J8QbztEyYpg