Christian Devotional – September 16, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 11 God-imposed new beginning. Read Genesis chapter 11. The people have been following God’s command to cover the whole Earth with people. That is, until they stopped following God’s command to do that. A group of people got together and decided it would be fun to stay in one place and not go any farther. They decided to build a tower to recognize their great achievement. But the problem was, they were refusing to obey the command that God had given them. As a result, God came down, saw what they were doing, and realized he was going to have to intervene to get them back on…
Christian Devotional – September 15, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 10 Follow through. Read Genesis chapter 10. Yesterday, we saw the mandate that God gave Noah and his family. Today in this chapter, we see them following through on that mandate. The entire chapter is full of names of people that were moving out to fill the earth. Do we follow through? We get the commands from God, and often we start out going well, but then, do we continue? Do we follow all the way through the process? When God gives us commands, we should continue to ensure that we are following through and that our actions line up with God’s commands. Watch the video devotional…
Christian Devotional – September 14, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 9 The overwhelming blessing. Read Genesis chapter 9. As Noah and his family ended up back on dry land, God blessed them. I imagine that this blessing felt incredibly overwhelming to Noah and his family. As the only surviving human beings on the Earth, God’s blessing and command to them was to fill the Earth with people. This must have seemed like an impossible task, yet so often that is exactly how God blesses us. He shares with us a vision that is so much bigger than anything we could have ever hoped to accomplish on our own. God knows that in order for us to truly…
Christian Devotional – September 13, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 8 God remembered. Read Genesis chapter 8. New beginnings can feel very lonely sometimes. If you have truly left the things in the past, there’s always that time in between. That time before you have built new relationships, made those new connections, and started those new habits. During that time it’s easy to feel lonely. There’s a huge temptation to go back to what you were doing before because it was comfortable. I’m sure during this time of flooding that Noah felt lonely. As we we read here, God remembered Noah. While Noah may have felt alone, he was never truly alone. God was with him and…
Christian Devotional – September 12, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 7 The totality. Read Genesis chapter 7. In reading through this chapter, it’s hard to not be struck by the complete and utter totality by which the Earth is destroyed. Everything that breathed air died, except for what was placed carefully in the Ark by the Lord. When we think about new beginnings, we must understand that the old must die first. Sometimes that’s easy and we’re excited to get rid of the old and we don’t even have a second thought. Sometimes pieces of the old continue to try to live on and creep into the new beginning. God made it very clear for his new…
Christian Devotional – September 11, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 6 God’s new beginning. Read Genesis chapter 6. Here we see God making a decision to start over. The creation that he made was not acting the way he created them to act. They weren’t doing what they were created to do. They were not fulfilling their purpose. So, God made the decision to issue judgment. God decided to make a new beginning. Even in the midst of all of the disappointment and judgment, there was one man that God saw doing what was right. Based on Noah’s individual actions, God chose to save him. We can understand that God is going to judge each of us…
Christian Devotional – September 10, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 5 The likeness of God. Read Genesis chapter 5. This is an incredible list of the family line of Adam. We see his sons and their sons. We see how long they lived. We even see how God moved in the life of Enoch. Throughout, we remember this verse. God made us in his likeness. Our beginning starts with God. It doesn’t matter whether or not we agree or believe in him, we have to acknowledge that he is our beginning. View the video devotional here https://youtu.be/5RQD5TM-ygk
Christian Devotional – September 9, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 4 New family. Read Genesis chapter 4. Adam and Eve suffered so much loss in the chapter from today and yesterday. They lose their close relationship with God. They lose their home. Now they lose their children, one is murdered and ther other is banished. While we don’t have insight into their exact feelings through all these events, I think it’s safe to say they were heartbroken. God allows them to start again. They have Seth. He becomes the child that carries on the relationship with God. I wonder what, if anything, Adam and Eve did differently as they raised Seth. How did they explain their relationship…
Christian Devotional – September 8, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 3 Starting over. Read Genesis chapter 3. Sometimes a new beginning is as the result of messing up. We must start over. Adam and Eve had to start over. They had sinned and God addressed their sin, but that didn’t change the fact that they had to begin again. When we sin, we have to come to God for repentance and we have to start over. We must allow God to move in us and cleanse us, then allow him to set us upon the new pathway that he has for us. Sometimes, as a result of our sin, we must change paths. God always has a…
Christian Devotional – September 7, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 2 New relationships. Read Genesis chapter 2. When we think about new beginnings, we need to take a look at the relationships in our lives. The people that we build relationships with matter. God saw that Adam was alone. God knew that Adam needed a new relationship. He worked with Adam and soon Adam recognized that need as well. New relationships can be challenging. It can be hard to get to know others. God brings about the relationships that we need to have. The people that are in our lives are there for purpose. Do we have a good relationship with Christ? Are we seeking out the…