• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 8, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 3 I want it all. Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. We live in such a materialistic and greedy society. It truly is amazing how much people want and, generally, even if they have a lot, they want more. We want more power. We want more money. We want more status. We want more of anything. Solomon went through the same thing. Solomon had the ability and the power to get more, so he did. These 11 verses give a quick overview of the fact that Solomon pretty much did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, as long as it made him happy. But Solomon learned an important truth, that…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 7, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 2 Is ignorance bliss? Read Ecclesiastes 1:12-18. As we read through this second half of the first chapter, Solomon introduces himself to us and explains why he’s writing this book. We see that he feels his failure so keenly. Solomon understands that he has not been able to achieve everything that he thought he would with all of his wisdom. And because of his wisdom, he recognizes his failure even more acutely than someone who wouldn’t have been wise. It recalls to mind the idea that ignorance is bliss. However, Solomon is not ignorant, and he recognizes that the wisdom he has, has not been used to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 6, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 1 Lack of legacy. Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. Having just spent time studying an example of what we should do, we’re going to switch and take some time to study an example of what we should not do. The book of Ecclesiastes is written as a book of Solomon’s regrets. King Solomon had so much going for him, and yet he stumbled and fell in so many ways. He wrote the book of Ecclesiastes at the end of his life as he was evaluating what he could have or should have done differently. We can learn so much from his example of what not to do. He has…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 5, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 12 The legacy. Read Ruth 4:16-22. As we finish this book and wrap up the tremendous example of the woman Ruth, we actually see that Ruth fades into the distance and Naomi is center stage. While this story bears Ruth’s name in the title, we come to understand that Naomi and her journey of discovering God’s provision for her is actually the main focus of this small book. Sometimes, we need to be reminded that it’s not all about us. Instead, it is all about God. This book ends showing what amazing legacy is created through God moving in this story. The future king David and ultimately…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 4, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 11 Ruth becomes pregnant. Read Ruth 4:13-15. When we first read this section, the outcome of Ruth becoming pregnant seems obvious. That was the whole point of why they were getting married is so that they could raise up a next generation. But I love that this verse has the reminder that it is God who brings about pregnancy. If we remember, Ruth had been married before. We don’t know how long her marriage to Mahlon lasted until he died, but however long it was, she had not become pregnant and did not give birth to a child with him. Ultimately, God is the one who brings…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 3, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 10 Boaz’s wife. Read Ruth 4:9-12. The transaction is made and a deal is sealed. Boaz becomes the husband of Ruth. He is a husband with a purpose. However, he understands that the reason God has granted him this opportunity to be Ruth’s wife is so that he can raise up that family that had been through such destruction. His purpose was to provide the restoration of that family to the entire Israelite community. When we think about the purpose and plan that God has for us, usually one of two things happens. Either we don’t understand what that purpose would or could or should be, or…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 2, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 9 Not me. Read Ruth 4:8. Boaz is going to take care of the issue. He locates the other man who has the right of redemption and asks him about his interest. Initially, the man is very interested in purchasing and redeeming the land however, when he learned that it also included a wife, he changed his mind and said, “No, not me.” It makes me wonder, how often do we get presented with something that God is looking to do, and we say, “No, not me. That might hurt my own plans that might get in the way of what I’m doing.” We can be the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 1, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 8 Wait. Read Ruth 3:12-18. Ruth has done everything she has been told to do. She followed Naomi’s instructions. She followed Boaz’s instructions. Now she is sitting at home waiting. Naomi reminds her that what she is supposed to be doing now is to wait. Waiting may be the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. I like action. I like purpose. I like being intentional about what I’m doing. However, there are times when we’ve done everything we are supposed to do. The only thing we are to do at that point is to wait. God understands timing perfectly. God recognizes there is a…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 28, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 7 A woman of noble character. Read Ruth 3:7-11. Ruth makes her request and we see Boaz’s response. He is going to address the issue, but he makes a statement about Ruth that is really interesting. He calls her a woman of noble character. For me, this called to mind the woman described in Proverbs 31. It’s not too far of a stretch to imagine that this passage in Proverbs 31 could have been a description of Ruth. When we think about being a Godly woman and following the example of a Godly woman, we recognize that Ruth was embodying everything that would have been later described…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 27, 2025

    Ruth’s Example, Day 6 Ruth’s obedience. Read Ruth 3:1-6. Naomi finally stops feeling sorry for herself and realizes that she has the means and the ability to help take care of her daughter-in-law. Naomi starts to see her purpose again and find hope in what she has to do. Naomi gives Ruth some specific advice on how to get the conversation started with a potential kinsman redeemer. The advice may have seemed odd and strange to Ruth at the time, but but she took and did exactly what her mother-in-law told her to do. She trusted her mother-in-law because she knew that her mother-in-law, even with all the difficulties she…