Christian Devotional – January 20, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 21 What do we praise God for? Read Psalm chapter 21. Often we know and understand that we should praise God. We see a number of verses throughout scripture that indicates the need that we have to praise God. But what do we praise him for? What are the qualities and characteristics about Christ that are praiseworthy? As we look into scripture, we see so many opportunities to offer our praise and adoration of the God of the universe. Here, we see that God is to be praised for his strength. As we think about the quality of strength, what does that mean? God is physically…
Christian Devotional – January 19, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 20 Chariots and horses. Read Psalm chapter 20. I don’t really trust in chariots and horses these days, but I know a lot of people who trust in money or power or planning or friendships or any number of other things. As we read this verse, we can see that anything else that we might be placing our trust in falls short when compared to trusting God. What are we placing our trust in? Anything besides God is going to fail us.
Christian Devotional – January 18, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 19 Our hidden faults and sins. Read Psalm chapter 19. As we look at this chapter, we see such praise and love of God’s Word. The Word of God allows us to see who we really are. It shows us truth in comparison to all of our failures. Then we see David’s prayer to God to help him to see his hidden failures. We can sin in so many ways and sometimes, we don’t even realize it at the moment. As we pray, we can always ask God to give us deeper level of repentance. As we continue to learn more about God, we learn more…
Christian Devotional – January 17, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 18 Perfect, proven shield. Read Psalm chapter 18. The Lord provided his word to us and we are so thankful he did. His word is perfect and he is proven. We can allow him to defend us as he is our shield. Are we seeking him?
Christian Devotional – January 16, 2024
Psalm and praise, Day 17 Where is your reward? Read Psalm chapter 17. This is another song where David shares his struggles, trials, and difficulties with the people of the world. He is being attacked and is under persecution from his enemies. How does he respond? David goes to God, of course. in this song, he makes an interesting statement. David asks to be saved from the people whose reward is here on Earth. He doesn’t ask to be saved from evil people. He doesn’t ask to be saved from people who want to harm him. David asks to be saved from the people whose reward is here on Earth.…
Christian Devotional – January 15, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 16 What are the good things in our lives? Read Psalm chapter 16. David recognizes that while we have many things in our lives, the only truly good thing that we have in our life is God. God is the one who allows all the good things that we have and only through him do we even understand what goodness really is. If we did not have the experience of God in our life, we would have no concept of what good really means and can be. When we look at our lives, we need to understand just exactly how big of a role God plays…
Christian Devotional – January 14, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 15 Who can come before the Lord? Read Psalm chapter 15. As we look at the criteria of what God is looking for, we see just how short we all come. None of us are able to consistently reach the expectations that God sets. Yet even though we don’t live ip to those expectations, are we seeking to live up to this? Are we desiring to walk blameless, do righteous, and speak truth?
Christian Devotional – January 13, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 14 Our perception is different than God’s perception. Read Psalm chapter 14. When you ask most people, they will tell you they are good people. Very few people will identify themselves as bad people. However, God’s perspective is different. As we read this chapter, we understand that there is truly no one who is good. None of us should have the idea or perception that we are good people outside of God. It is only through God working in our life that we can be good in any way. Do we have the same perception, understanding our need? Are we relying on God to do good…
Christian Devotional – January 12, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 13 Are our thoughts our enemy? Read Psalm chapter 13. As we went through this psalm today, I’m struck by the fact that in this verse we can truly understand sometimes our greatest enemy is our own self. Sometimes our thoughts can be what comes against us and what drives us to doubt and to struggle. We need to understand that God overcomes our thoughts. God is greater than our own judgments and condescending words that we say to ourselves. We need to keep our opinion of ourselves based in the truth of God’s love for us and God’s understanding of who we are. Do we…
Christian Devotional – January 10, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 12 Can’t trust anyone. Read Psalm chapter 12. Who do you trust? So many people these days just don’t trust anyone. And honestly, that’s for good reason. The bible even says all the way back in David’s time that people can’t be trusted. We are trust God. He is the one that we can rely on because everyone else will let us down or betray us at some point. Are we relying on God in every area of our lives today?