Christian Devotional – December 29, 2023
Psalm and Praise, Day 1 Two ways. Read Psalm chapter 1. There are two ways, the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. The Lord looks over the way of the righteous. Sometimes we forget that there are only two ways. There isn’t a third option. The issue is that Christ watches over the way of the righteous. He doesn’t say that the way of the righteous is easy. He doesn’t say that the way of the righteous is profitable. He says that the way of the righteous is watched over by the Lord. While we may not understand the path, we need the path that is…
Christian Devotional – December 27, 2023
Waiting Here for You, Day 7 Humility. Read James 4:6. As we finish this advent reading Waiting Here for You on YouVersion.com, we see that humility is the goal. We are to not be seeking our own progress and pride, but we are to be seeking Christ. As we put him first in our lives, we will find ourselves in the humble position. We are seeking him more. We desire him to be lifted up and praised, not ourselves. As we finish this reading, it’s such a good reminder to be waiting and patient on God. Jesus Christ came to earth at exactly the right time. We can continue to…
Christian Devotional – December 26, 2023
Waiting Here for You, Advent Day 6 Jesus is everything and Jesus is enough. Read John 6:35-40. Looking at today’s devotional from YouVersion.com, we are reminded of the importance of Jesus in our lives. More than that though, it’s not that Jesus fulfills our life or that Jesus adds meaning to our life, although he does do both of those things. The importance is that Jesus is enough for our life. Even if he’s all we have, that is enough. We don’t need anything more than him and we don’t need to be searching for anything more than Jesus. if we have Jesus, it is enough. Reading these verses today…
Christian Devotional – December 25, 2023
Waiting Here for you, Day 5 Be still. Read Psalm 46:10-11. As we read through day 5 of the Waiting Here for You advent devotional on youversion.com, we see the importance of being still. Sometimes we feel like life is all about activity in doing things. However, often we need to understand the importance of being still. There is great value in calming our mind and body and allowing our focus to meditate solely on the amazing awesomeness of the God we serve. We can become so easily distracted and there is so much stimulation and attention grabbin options in our world today that we struggle with the concept of…
Christian Devotional – December 23, 2023
Waiting Here for You, Day 4 Part of waiting is praise. Read Psalm 135:13. Today we are looking at day 4 of the Waiting Here For You decotional on YouVersion.com. Because God’s name endures forever, we have the ability to wait on him and praise him. Part of the waiting on God gives us an ability to praise him for who he is and for all that he has done. Our waiting is not an idle time of doing nothing, it is about showing God how much we love him and thanking him for all that he has done for us. How are we demonstrating our love of God and…
Christian Devotional – December 22, 2023
Waiting Here For You, Advent Day 3 Adversaries. Read Psalm 27:1-6. As I read through day 3 of the Waiting Here for You advent devotional on YouVersion.com, we see that sometimes waiting is about adversaries. We have enemies that are seeking to do us harm and to keep us from fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. Sometimes they even try to keep us from giving God glory. These enemies and adversaries require us to be patient and wait on God. As we think about his coming and his birth this Christmas, we are reminded that he faced many adversaries as he was going through his time here on Earth. Our…
Christian Devotional – December 21, 2023
Waiting Here for You Advent, Day 2 Patience has a purpose. Read Lamentations 3:26. As we read through day 2 of the Waiting Here For You advent devotional on YouVersion.com, we continue to see the emphasis on waiting. God waited for exactly the right time to send Jesus. There was purpose in the waiting. There was opportunity for growth in the waiting. We can experience difficulties and struggles, but our understanding and faith in God grow as we patiently endure these struggles. God never leaves us and he always proves himself faithful. Will we continue to grow as wait on God patiently this Christmas season?
Christian Devotional – December 20, 2023
Waiting Here For You Advent, Day 1 As we come to the Christmas season, I am reading through the devotion on YouVersion.com entitled Waiting Here for You, written by Louie Giglio. The verse today is Galatians 4:4-5. Waiting is so difficult. When God sent Jesus to earth, it may not have been at the time we expected, but it was at the exact right time. As we think about the Christmas story, we can be reminded of the importance of waiting on God’s perfect timing.
Christian Devotional – December 19, 2023
Revelation, Day 22 Coming soon. Read Revelation chapter 22. As we draw to the close of this amazing book of the Bible, which also happens to be the last book of the Bible, we end with this chapter. This chapter goes through in details the final end result of all things that we will know, and that is that Jesus Christ is Victor and Lord over all. Everything that happens, happens to bring us to this point. We can rest assured that God is over everything that we go through, even when we don’t understand it and it doesn’t feel good. We can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is…
Christian Devotional – December 18, 2023
Revelation, Day 21 The day is coming. Read Revelation chapter 21. As we read this chapter we see the final wedding of Jesus and his bride the church. God’s ultimately wins un the end and all the things that were a result of sin will be wiped away. As I look around our world now, I see so much sin and pain and death. All those will be gone when Jesus finally reigns victorious. I can’t wait for that day!