• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 25, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 9 How do you describe beauty? Read 1 Peter 3:1-6. As Peter transitions from talking about Christ’s sacrifice for the church, he moves to discussing women and their relationships with their husbands. When we think about all that Christ did to provide for and sacrifice for the church, we can see why Jesus chooses to explain the same in terms of the marriage relationship. Yet, what does truly define beauty? If the relationship is best defined as one of submission and considering others before ourselves, how do we describe a truly beautiful woman? Peter explains that it is not what is outwardly visible that creates and defines…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 23, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 8 Jesus suffered. Read 1 Peter 2:18-25. As we read through the remainder of this chapter, we see that Jesus did in fact suffer as well. Will we make a few things in our life, Jesus suffered as well only his suffering had the purpose of bearing our sins on the cross. Jesus suffered so that we can be forgiven. Have we accepted his sacrifice and suffering for our salvation? Through his wounds, we are healed.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 22, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 7 What does it mean to be free? Read 1 Peter 2:11-17. When we think of being free in Christ, what does that mean to us? For many people, they see freedom in Christ as an opportunity to do whatever they want to do. They see it as license to sin because God is going to forgive them for everything that they do. However, Peter here explains that our freedom in Christ does not translate into the freedom to continue sinning. Instead, we have freedom through Christ to be able to live in obedience to him. Because we love Christ, we obey him and demonstrate our love…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 21, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 6 What do we trust in? Read 1 Peter 2:4-10. As Peter continues, we see him talking about what we put our trust in. You see, having trust in others is great, but only if that trust is deserved. Putting our trust in God is the one who saves us and changes us. Having trust in others will only mean that we will be let down. However, God is worthy of all our trust. He is the cornerstone that all else is built on. Are we trusting in him today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 20, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 5 Grow up! Read 1 Peter 2:1-3. As Peter explains here, when we ask Christ into our hearts, we are newborn babies. Our responsibility is to grow up in our faith. We must learn and study and understand more and more of who God is. Are we taking our responsibility to learn about Christ seriously? What are we doing each day to help ourselves grow in Him?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 19, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 4 What do we put our faith and hope in. Read 1 Peter 1:17-25. As we continue to see God working and moving through all that Peter is writing, we understand that the relationship we have with Jesus Christ is what defines all that we do. Here, Christ is what we put our faith and our hope in. Because of all that Christ has done, we can have faith and hope in him. Because of Christ’s relationship with God (he is God), we can be made right with God. God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and glorified him. When we are putting our faith in trust…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 18, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 3 Be holy. Read 1 Peter 3:13-16. It sounds so simple. Yet, Peter’s statement that we are to be holy as Christ is holy is so challenging to all of us. Jesus Christ is holy. God himself is holy. Our actions and all that we do are to align with God. Because of our relationship with Jesus Christ, he is to be holy through us each and every day.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 17, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 2 Shielded through faith. Read 1 Peter 1:3-12. The people that Peter was writing to were going through tremendous suffering and persecution. So, Peter doesn’t waste any time jumping right to the heart of the message. Suffering is only for a time, and God indicates that he will shield us through faith until the final salvation. We are going to go through suffering in this life. Sometimes, its a lot. Sometimes we don’t have a lot of choice and that is just our circumstances. God knows. God sees. Our situation is never unknown to God. Peter is reminding us that God shields us through faith so as…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 16, 2023

    Through Suffering, Day 1 Offering of grace. Read 1 Peter 1:1-2. The Books of Peter was written by the apostle to the churches that are suffering and experiencing persecution. These churches are looking for hope in the midst of their difficult experiences. They’re going through suffering and need to know how to respond. Peter writes these books to them. We’re going to take some time to go through these books in detail, starting with the first two verses here. Peter spends the introduction reminding them that they have been chosen and that God is giving them everything they need to be able to make it through their situation. Grace and…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – June 15, 2023

    The Journey of Ruth, Day 6 The legacy. Read Ruth 4:18-22. As we come to the end of the book of Ruth, we see the legacy. Ruth’s decisions and her obedience in all the choices she made that led up to that point, we see the culmination here in how God used her to build a legacy that led to a king that was a man after God’s own heart. When we think about the choices that we make, do we recognize that each and every choice leads us down a path that will ultimately result in the legacy that we leave to those behind us. God desires our obedience,…