• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 15, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 10 When is enough enough? Read Ecclesiastes 5:8-12. It’s a common theme that I hear all the time, “I need more money.” Our world is a deeply materialistic place. We have made the illusion of financial security to be a foundational goal that many people spend their lifetime trying to attain, yet no one can even really define exactly what it means to be financially secure. Solomon was tremendously wealthy as king. In addition, he was King during a time when the people had the greatest economic prosperity that they were going to have as a nation. And yet, as he is evaluating his life, we see…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 14, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 9 What do you call someone who promises God something and then doesn’t do it? A fool. Read Ecclesiastes, 5:1-7. I always wondered what prompted this chapter in Ecclesiastics. The scripture doesn’t really share at a time when Solomon promised God something and didn’t do it. But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a time in his life when he did exactly that. Or maybe he simply saw the results of that in the lives of others around him. Either way, Solomon fully and completely understands that there is a level of respect and reverence that we are to have when we are talking with God. While I…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 13, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 8 Stay aware! Read Ecclesiastes 4:7-16. Ah, the difference between age and youth. As I get older, I start to see how easy it is to fall into the trap that Solomon mentions here. Often, as we get older, we start to get set in our ways and we don’t change or adjust as quickly as we need to. Solomon mentions in the verse that the old foolish King doesn’t know how to heed a warning anymore. As we continue to seek to serve the Lord in everything we do, we must also be be aware of the signs that God allows us to see in our…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 12, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 7 Are we jealous of others? Read Ecclesiastes 4:1-6. During Solomon’s reign as king, he was involved in a tremendous amount of building projects throughout the entire Kingdom of Israel. He created and built a number of different structures and they were able to do tremendous amounts of things. So solomon appeals to all of his labors as a way to determine whether or not he feels successful and finds purpose. Ultimately, what he finds is that this doesn’t give him any better sense of satisfaction than anything else he’s tried. This verse, verse 4 makes an interesting statement. The verse gives the idea that all the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 11, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 6 All will be judged. Read Ecclesiastes 3:16-22. As we look at this chapter, we see that Solomon comes to a pretty grim conclusion. Everyone is going to die. He recognizes there’s no escaping this final piece of life. What’s more, Solomon understands that everyone will be judged for their actions. We will all have to answer for the choices that we’ve made and the decisions that have shaped our lives. We see this fact echoed in Revelation chapter 20, when we all face the white throne judgment and God reads from the books of deeds. It’s important to recognize that everyone is going to eventually be…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 10, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 5 To everything, turn, turn, turn. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. Some of you all may remember the famous song that was written about the first several verses from chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes. After all, there is a season for everything. As Solomon is evaluating his life and looking around him, he can see that there are certainly times for all of these practices that are listed here. As a king, he understands there’s time for war and a time for peace. He understands the importance of planting and harvesting. His wisdom recognizes the interconnected nature of everything that everyone does. There’s always impact to the actions that are…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 9, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 4 We each have a role to play. Read Ecclesiastes 2:13-26. Yesterday, we saw how the pursuit of happiness does not lead to fulfilling purpose. But, if we are pursuing God’s purpose in our life, then he will provide us with happiness. Today, we see that spelled out even more clearly. Solomon continues to explain all the different ways in which he tried to attain happiness. He had so many different methods, and he thought that if he amassed wealth and projects, that would allow him to leave a profound legacy to his children. Unfortunately, he realized that his children were not going to do the same…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 8, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 3 I want it all. Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. We live in such a materialistic and greedy society. It truly is amazing how much people want and, generally, even if they have a lot, they want more. We want more power. We want more money. We want more status. We want more of anything. Solomon went through the same thing. Solomon had the ability and the power to get more, so he did. These 11 verses give a quick overview of the fact that Solomon pretty much did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, as long as it made him happy. But Solomon learned an important truth, that…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 7, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 2 Is ignorance bliss? Read Ecclesiastes 1:12-18. As we read through this second half of the first chapter, Solomon introduces himself to us and explains why he’s writing this book. We see that he feels his failure so keenly. Solomon understands that he has not been able to achieve everything that he thought he would with all of his wisdom. And because of his wisdom, he recognizes his failure even more acutely than someone who wouldn’t have been wise. It recalls to mind the idea that ignorance is bliss. However, Solomon is not ignorant, and he recognizes that the wisdom he has, has not been used to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 6, 2025

    Wisdom Squandered, Day 1 Lack of legacy. Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. Having just spent time studying an example of what we should do, we’re going to switch and take some time to study an example of what we should not do. The book of Ecclesiastes is written as a book of Solomon’s regrets. King Solomon had so much going for him, and yet he stumbled and fell in so many ways. He wrote the book of Ecclesiastes at the end of his life as he was evaluating what he could have or should have done differently. We can learn so much from his example of what not to do. He has…