• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 18, 2023

    Revelation, Day 21 The day is coming. Read Revelation chapter 21. As we read this chapter we see the final wedding of Jesus and his bride the church. God’s ultimately wins un the end and all the things that were a result of sin will be wiped away. As I look around our world now, I see so much sin and pain and death. All those will be gone when Jesus finally reigns victorious. I can’t wait for that day!

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 17, 2023

    Revelation, Day 20 A harsh sentence. Read Revelation chapter 20. As we come to the time of the victory of Christ and the end of all things, we see a judgment take place. All the dead will be raised and everyone who has ever lived will go through this judgment. This verse is at the end. Regardless of what a person’s life consisted of, the question becomes, did they accept Christ’s gift of life, or did they not. Many other religions teach that you can do enough to earn your way to heaven, or that you can’t ever really know whether or not you are going to heaven. Understanding the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 16, 2023

    Revelation, Day 19 Faithful and True. Read Revelation chapter 19. Jesus returns triumphant. After all of the judgment and all of the pain that the world has gone through in the last few chapters, we finally see the return of Jesus Christ. He appears on a horse and his name is faithful and true. What a beautiful picture of just how faithful God has been to all of us. No matter what we go through no matter the dark times and difficulties that we may experience, Jesus Christ is faithful and true in everything that he has promised that. God is holy and worthy of all of our praise, and…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 14, 2023

    Revelation, Day 18 Final judgment. Read Revelation chapter 18. As we continue to read through this judgment, we see that it is ultimate and final. There is no chance of recovery for this situation. There will come a point when God’s grace and mercy will no longer be available. There is judgment that will come on all those who have not accepted him. We all must make the decision to accept Jesus’s perfect gift. When we do, we can experience God’s mercy and grace. Will we make that choice or will we experience God’s judgment?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 13, 2023

    Revelation, Day 17 Triumph. Read Revelation chapter 17. When we read all the prophecies about the prostitute and the dragon, it can be easy to get confused and overwhelmed. Lots of commentaries have been written discussung exactly what those all refer to. Still, for me, I find this verse to be the one that I don’t have any difficulty interpreting. God is triumphant over all. No matter what we look to understand about all of the prophecies through the book of revelation, the overall theme is the same, God wins. The Lord will triumph over every single plot and ploy of Satan. God and his followers are going to be…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 12, 2023

    Revelation, Day 16 True judgment. Read Revelation chapter 16. As the difficult judgments start to pour out on the people of earth, we see that there is still the focus on the glory of God. Even the altar calls out the importance of the glory of God. While we are not typically excited about God’s judgment, because of his holiness, God’s judgment is true. Because of our sin if we haven’t accepted Jesus Christ, we deserve judgment. Have we accepted his gift or are we facing judgment?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 11, 2023

    Revelation, Day 15 God is worthy of our praise. Read Revelation chapter 15. As God’s wrath continues to be poured out on the Earth, we see the moment when everything changes. God is holy and worthy of our praise. They sing that song to the Lord in this chapter. He is worthy and there is no one else like him. When we think about the Lord, do we give him the praise that he deserves? The Lord is worthy of all praise and he is most holy. Are we worshipping him today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 10, 2023

    Revelation, Day 14 Judgment. Read Revelation chapter 14. As we continue reading through the next set of judgments on the earth, we find that it actually indicates that the whole earth is going to be harvested. All the earth will be brought into judgment. When we think about that in terms if our own lives and actions, we have to recognize that God’s judgment is coming. There is going to come a point when we will be accountable for what we have done. When we think about the upcoming judgment, are we ready?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 9, 2023

    Revelation, Day 13 Patient endurance and faithfulness. Read Revelation chapter 13. As we see more descriptions of judgment and challenges that people will face, we read about how those who follow Jesus Christ are to respond. There will be trials and there will be suffering, but we are to have patient endurance and faithfulness throughout. There is much debate among scholars as to whether we will still be present at the time of all of these judgments, as many people believe that the church will be raptured before them. Regardless of which way you believe, it’s important to remember is that patience and endurance are how we are to go…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 7, 2023

    Revelation, Day 12 The winner. Read Revelation chapter 12. As we read through this battle chapter, we see the fight between good and evil. We see all of the clashes that are result of the sin in our world, God’s holiness, and his ultimate judgment upon that sin. We know that God is victorious and rules, but sometimes we forget how much of a battle their truly will be. Sin does not quit easily. Sin wants to maintain the hold it has on people. Only through the victory of Jesus Christ are we able to overcome both today in our lives, and also in the future for all time. Are…